How well do you know about me?

Vidduz is a quizzes website. We provide you set of questions to select from, you have to select answers for each question you like, after 10 questions are answered we generate a link for this quiz. You have to share it on your social media channels. Your friends and family will try to answer your quiz. At the end of the quiz we have given leaderboard. Leaderboard shows how many members answered your quiz correctly and score for each person. Our quizzes are fun and entertaining. Just create yours and share now.

Quiz link is unique for every quiz. Every time user creates a quiz new link will be generated.

Quizzes are now available in most of the south Indian languages. Our team aims at providing entertainment and happiness to all the users at urban, semi urban and rural level. We are trying to expand to as many languages as possible. Our aim is to serve all users fun and entertainment and spread happiness and positivity.

We love our audience, we provide pure fun and entertainment. Providing happiness (fun/entertainment) through quizzes is our main motto. If you guys have any new ideas or apps you want to see on our site please let us know at [email protected]

Stay tuned, like our Facebook page and follow us for more entertaining stuff.